Jack-Off Magic with Will Tantra & Brad Amberheart

Watch how two Tantric sex coaches show off their favorite cock strokes and ecstatic jack-off techniques to each other...all while actively focusing on what they both want to create in the world with their cum-slinging sex magic spell:  Joyous, Fun Lovers for ALL!

One night in October, 2020, in the midst of a global pandemic, my friend Will Tantra and I came together in Los Angeles...and I do mean we came together...to JACK OFF with purpose.

We had felt the vacuum in our world which so many men feel every day…the emptiness and loneliness. Today would be the day when we decided to change that, and to welcome YOU to join us in welcoming in a new paradigm, where EVERY man on Earth embraces and claims his full right to ENJOY unleashing his horny, pent-up balls with other enthusiastic, excited, joyous, and FUN fuckers! Yessss! Welcome home, you horny fucker! Welcome home!

Here are some potent words spoken by Will after our earth-shaking cum-shot in LA:

“We just set a lot of energy in motion that’s going to really surprise and delight a LOT of fucking horny men! And I hope we’ve inspired them to get together like this, to put their cocks together, show each other their pleasure, breathe and make sound and move together…set intentions for the life they want to live, and fucking SHOOT A LOAD with that intention in mind…”--Daddy Will Tantra

I've decided to offer the inaugural video from Brad Amberheart Productions at an enticing rate of $9.99 because I would like for men everywhere to see it and use it for their pleasure and the co-creation of fulfilling sex lives for all of us! When you purchase it, you support the creation of more spaces for fulfilling, joyous sex-fun to happen...

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